Blog Masonry

SYND Engages three Regions on clean cooking stove usage

In collaboration with the Ministry of Energy, Ghana Alliance for Clean cookstoves (GHACCO) and CIWED-Ghana [who are members of ACCESS Coalition], the Strategic…

Be proactive, form partnership in your quest to save earth – SYND

The Executive Coordinator of Strategic Youth Network for Development (SYND), Chibeze Ezekiel, has advised young people to be proactive and form alliances for…

Ivory Coast to finally abandon the proposed San Pedro coal-fired power plant project

It's almost official - the Ivorian government is seriously considering abandoning the San Pedro coal-fired power plant project. This announcement was…

Centrale à charbon, c’est officiel, la Côte d’Ivoire abandonne le projet de San Pedro

Centrale à charbon. Le gouvernement ivoirien abandonne le projet. Jean-Luc Assi, ministre de l’Environnement l’a clairement signifié aux députés. Cela, ce 18…

Abuja Hotspot for a Global Just Recovery 

#CoalFreeNigeria campaign team shares reflections on their experience taking part in the Global Just Recovery Gathering held from 9 to 11 April 2021

Digital organising in the Covid-19 era

Effective digital organising: Sharing the highlights of session 4 of the #AfrikaVuka Climate Workshops

Building climate-resilient local communities & groups in Africa 

Session 2 of the #AfrikaVuka Climate Workshops brought together participants for an exciting discussion with experienced organisers who shared some of the…

AfrikaVuka Climate Workshops

From February 12th to March 5th 2021, 350Africa under the AfrikaVuka platform will bring together organisers, campaigners and journalists to learn from…

Uganda Elections: Museveni Vs People Power

Ugandans in their diversity aspire not only for a peaceful and prosperous country but also for fairness, democracy, rule of law where every citizen is…

The 5th anniversary of the Paris Agreement and what it means for Tanzania

On the 19th of December, Partnership for Green Future mobilized University students to ensure the youths' voice on climate change from different faiths are…

GIFSEP Empowers Environmental Stewards in Secondary Schools in Nigeria

Project works to build the capacity of students and teachers to address Climate Change in Nigeria

Ghana’s fight against coal inspired the rest of Africa

Ezekiel Chibeze, a Ghanaian environmental champion was announced as one of the recipients of the Goldman Environmental Prize 2020, citing his commitment to…

All Hands on Deck, World Environment Day 2020 – Humanity at the Crossroads

Uganda’s Little Hands Go Green in partnership with, NEMA Uganda, the National Forestry Authority Uganda and the Deputy Speaker of Parliament in…

The AfrikaVuka Caravan

From May 28th to August 6th, under the Afrika Vuka platform will be organizing a series of 6 out-of-the-box webinars dubbed the Afrika Vuka…

Stronger than Covid-19

As the world continues to trap in to help slow the spread of Covid-19, one of the most interesting phenomena taking place is the creative, quirky, and…

Ugandan communities concerned over oil’s deal amid COVID-19 crisis

Communities in Western Uganda are deeply concerned that if the Ugandan government allows the presence of oil activities in the eco-sensitive areas such as the…

Adentan Municipality contributes towards the 100% renewable energy in Ghana

The workshop offered a space to discuss the present renewable energy plans in the Municipality, the failures and successes in the implementation of the…

People of Onupi and Nigeria do not need coal

Community members of Kogi and Gombe states alongside others in Nigeria intend to continue raising their voices to ensure their right to a clean and healthy…

Climate Defenders gathering: Towards a consolidated strategy launched the Climate Defenders report on Human Rights Abuses by Fossil Fuel Companies. The report highlighted some specific cases from Africa where…

Kenya and Nigeria joined divestEd!

Divestment from fossil fuels has been gaining quite the momentum globally in the last few years. This week two youth groups in Kenya and Nigeria took action,…

Celebrating the 40th anniversary of St Francis of Assisi as patron of ecology by striking for climate

Mother Earth Network in collaboration with The office of Justice Peace and Integrity of Creation Franciscans Africa celebrated the anniversary by striking for…

As climate talks start in Madrid, a people-centered vision for a fossil-free Africa is gaining ground

As the UN and global leaders discuss climate change issues at COP25 - that is the 25th Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on…

Why youth voices matter in tackling the climate crisis

As the leaders will be meeting to discuss the future of our planet at COP25, youths in the different countries, communities, cities, towns, villages will also…

The flowers of revolution

In the same way, as historical African struggles were won using people power, this how the climate movement intends on shifting the narrative to bring social…

The largest day of climate protest in the planet’s history

On September 20th - 27th, there will be the first all-ages global climate strike. People will walk out of their jobs — some will plant trees, others will join…

Telling the African Climate Movement Story

In the week of the 29th of July, we organized the first #AfrikaVuka digital retreat. About 20 climate activists from over 10 African countries gathered in…

UNESCO has a chance to protect Sundarbans. Will it?

New footage shows the extent of damage from coal development in the Sundarbans mangrove forest - so will the World Heritage summit do all it can to save it…

The Lamu Coal Plant project in Kenya has been stopped by a court decision

After years of inspiring and creative campaigning from the climate movement, the Kenyan National Environment Tribunal (NET) has just cancelled that license,…

PR: deCOALonize Campaign partners and Greenpeace Africa Demand a Stop to Coal Investments in Kenya.

Communities from Lamu and Kitui together with Greenpeace Africa and members of the deCOALonize coalition have today handed over letters to the Ministry of…

Kenya doesn’t need coal, Report reaffirms

New report says that Kenya doesn’t need any coal generation project, but should rather actively explore its abundant renewable resources to satisfy the likely…

#AfrikaVuka Uprising: 48hours of incredible hope and determination

Last week, we’ve shown that the #AfrikaVuka movement is stronger and more diverse than ever before.

We’re days away from rising up calling on our leaders to fight climate change.

The movement against new fossil fuel developments is global and extremely pertinent to the future of our planet. Here’s a snippet into what will be happening…

Video: #ThumaMinaDBSA Petition Delivery Action calls on the DBSA to develop a stand-alone fossil fuel strategy that fully excludes coal and integrates climate change strategies across their…

Climate Artivism in Jozi

The climate crisis is a scary situation, to get out of it we are going to need to get creative! 350Africa organized an Artivism workshop to introduce a few…

Africa uniting forces to challenge the fossil industry on May 25

On May 25th, we are joining forces to amplify the call for Africa to break free from all new fossil fuels and encourage a just transition to renewable energy.…

2018 is a crucial year in fighting for a Fossil Free Africa!

In February 2018, activists gathered in Johannesburg for a series of meetings, community exchange, and training as part of the decoalonise strategy to build…

#ThumaMina – call on the DBSA to publicly commit to not financing new coal

We're asking the Development Bank of Southern Africa to publicly commit to not funding a new coal-fired power plant in South Africa, called Thabametsi.