Who's Afrika Vuka
The Afrika Vuka platform aims to unite campaigns and movements working to end the age of fossil fuels in Africa and move to clean, renewable energy. We are uniting diverse campaigns with a call to halt new fossil fuels infrastructure in Africa. We want our local communities and institutions to commit and act to:
Everyone is welcome.
Climate change isn’t just an environmental issue, or a social justice issue, or an economic
issue — it’s all of those at once. It’s one of the biggest challenges humanity has ever faced, and we’re
going to have to work together to solve it.This movement actively welcomes the talents, energy & commitment
of all individuals volunteering their time, regardless of their background, ethnicity, religious or spiritual belief,
gender and sexual orientation. We react immediately against hate and discrimination.
We're all leaders
Each group has the power to decide its own organising, facilitation, decision-making, communications, tactics and actions. We’re all responsible collectively for making sure we live up to our values and shared organising principles.
We take action.
Taking action is how we build public support behind our cause. And we recognise
the importance of escalating those actions when our demands aren’t met.
We are committed to maintaining non-violent discipline in all of our actions. We support those who
take direct action and respect those who are not in a position to take part. We encourage
a wide range of tactics — it strengthens our movement.