Recruitment GuideTips on how to mobilise people.Go to Fossil Free Campaign GuideStep-by-step guide to running a local Fossil Free campaign and group.Go to Briefing for existing groupsHow existing groups and communities can get involved with Fossil Free.Go to How to host a fossil free gatheringStep-by-step guide to hosting an event that introduces people to Fossil Free.Go to Fossil Free Organising PrinciplesThe list of principles that all Fossil Free groups agree to adhere to.Go to Absorption Guide: Grow your group after Rise for ClimateAfter our big global mobilisation happened on 8 September, here are some ideas on to keep that momentum rolling in the coming months.Go to OUR COMMITMENTA fast + just transition to 100% renewable energy for allNo new fossil fuel projects anywhere. Not a penny more for dirty energyWho is part of #Afrikavuka AACDS RDC Abayuuti Community Group ACAPE Burundi Achievers innovative advocate international foundation Action Solidaire International African Youth for Development Commission – AYDEC Agir contre le réchauffement climatique (ACOREC) AIA International Foundation Tanzania Amis Des Etrangers au Togo Appui aux Initiatives Communautaire de Conservation de l’Environnement et de Développement Durable ASHIA International Association ALPD “Aidons LES PLUS Diminues”