The 5th anniversary of the Paris Agreement and what it means for Tanzania

On the 19th of December, Partnership for Green Future mobilized University students to ensure the youths' voice on…

GIFSEP Empowers Environmental Stewards in Secondary Schools in Nigeria

Project works to build the capacity of students and teachers to address Climate Change in Nigeria

Ghana’s fight against coal inspired the rest of Africa

Ezekiel Chibeze, a Ghanaian environmental champion was announced as one of the recipients of the Goldman Environmental…

All Hands on Deck, World Environment Day 2020 – Humanity at the Crossroads

Uganda’s Little Hands Go Green in partnership with, NEMA Uganda, the National Forestry Authority Uganda…

The AfrikaVuka Caravan

From May 28th to August 6th, under the Afrika Vuka platform will be organizing a series of 6…

Stronger than Covid-19

As the world continues to trap in to help slow the spread of Covid-19, one of the most interesting phenomena taking…

Ugandan communities concerned over oil’s deal amid COVID-19 crisis

Communities in Western Uganda are deeply concerned that if the Ugandan government allows the presence of oil activities…