Abuja Hotspot for a Global Just Recovery 

#CoalFreeNigeria campaign team shares reflections on their experience taking part in the Global Just Recovery Gathering…

Digital organising in the Covid-19 era

Effective digital organising: Sharing the highlights of session 4 of the #AfrikaVuka Climate Workshops

Building climate-resilient local communities & groups in Africa 

Session 2 of the #AfrikaVuka Climate Workshops brought together participants for an exciting discussion with…

AfrikaVuka Climate Workshops

From February 12th to March 5th 2021, 350Africa under the AfrikaVuka platform will bring together organisers,…

Uganda Elections: Museveni Vs People Power

Ugandans in their diversity aspire not only for a peaceful and prosperous country but also for fairness, democracy,…

The 5th anniversary of the Paris Agreement and what it means for Tanzania

On the 19th of December, Partnership for Green Future mobilized University students to ensure the youths' voice on…

GIFSEP Empowers Environmental Stewards in Secondary Schools in Nigeria

Project works to build the capacity of students and teachers to address Climate Change in Nigeria

Ghana’s fight against coal inspired the rest of Africa

Ezekiel Chibeze, a Ghanaian environmental champion was announced as one of the recipients of the Goldman Environmental…